Exe.io Reviews - SCAM or LEGIT?


Exe.io is a website that pays you for every visit you get to one of your shortened link. All you have to do is to create an account for free, shorten your links using the tools available on Exe platform, and then share the link to your social media accounts, on your blog, on different forums and get paid for every click that is registered on your links.

The payment rates differ depending on the country from where the visits come from. The lowest pay rate is for visits coming from Egypt which pay 2.3$ for every 1000 visits while the highest pay rate is for USA where you receive 8$ for every 1000 visits.

Once you have reached a minimum of 3$ in your balance you can withdraw your earnings using one of the following methods : PayPal, AdvCash, Payeer, Perfect Money, AirTM or Bitcoin.

If you've tried this website, please share you opinions with us here.