Does Nigella Sativa Really Stop Hairfall?


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Hairfall is one of the most commonly problem faced by men and women. There are many men who suffer from male pattern baldness. Many people often find it difficult to control this condition and there are many home remedies that are used by people to stop hairfall. One of the most commonly used home remedy is Nigella Sativa, which is used for many purposes. There are some studies that show that Nigella Sativa might stop hairfall, but most of these studies have a very small sample size and some of the studies involved the usage of Nigella Sativa along with some other products to stop hairloss, so we cannot say for sure that Nigella Sativa is indeed good when it comes to stopping hairfall. I have recently shaved my head and I am applying Nigella Sativa juice on my scalp. Do you think it will work and stop hairfall?

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