Do you consider having regrets to be a positive thing?


New member
Our regrets can teach us about who we are, prevent us from making the same mistakes twice, and motivate us to make better choices in the future. However, regrets won't help us grow if we use them as an excuse to beat ourselves up or if we entirely disregard them. Finding the ideal balance is crucial.

Having no regrets is not a sign of wisdom or holiness, yet regret need not immediately result in self-blame. It can indicate that you don't learn from your errors.


Active member
Absolutely! Regrets can be powerful teachers. They show our growth areas and guide us toward better decisions. But dwelling on regrets can be counterproductive. It's about learning, not self-blame. Balancing reflection and moving forward is key to personal growth.


VIP Contributor
Yeah regrets are positive because they help guide you not to make the same mistake again, but if you don't have regrets or suffer any consequences for your action it'll be hard to know what's good or bad you'll be like a child that will dip his hands in a fire because he don't know it'll burn him.

That's why I kind of like the saying that goes like I don't have regrets only lessons, regrets sounds like a missed opportunity to me, but if you've learned something from your ordeal then it's not a missed opportunity at all, right ?