Dividend Based Future Investment


Active member
It seems like deposits are going to lose the value they had in last 20 years. And so we need some sort of the investment that gives us the return of investment yearly. The method could be dividend based or the yearly payment. Either way we need something that could be reliable and also can be secure if we keep it upto the 5 years worth of investment. And so there is definitely a strong need of minimum 5 percent of the interest from the market. And secure as well considering mutual funds can also be giving more but are less secure.

So the need for the dividend based income is the future. If the crypto and other form of the investment can give us that then we should be open up to that sort of the experience too. I find the dividend based investment a future for many of us. I don't think that it is that sort of investment where we can expect security though considering nothing around us is secure anymore be it privacy wise or investment wise.
With the mention of the crypto I have been reading that many people are enamored with crypto currency. They buy in the hope that crypto can give them the regular dividends that later on they would not need to work anymore because of the dividends. Unfortunately the dividends are just a hype because you can lose you money with any kind of investment.