Decluttering: A Way to Earn Online and Clean Your Room (for hoarders)


New member
I must admit. I am a hoarder. I hoard everything and even keep the receipts! i have boxes of receipts which is now no use. I decided to clean up my room and found a lot of stuff in good shape but i don't need anymore. I decided i'll sell it online. It's really hard, i'm telling you.
So, here are some tips for hoarders like me.
1) Fix your sched. 1-2 days will do.
2) Put in mind that you have to clean your room.
3) Bring 2 empty boxes label with "to keep" and "to sell"
4) Start picking up your stuff.
5) Inspect and think of its usage and decide where to put it. I know this part is hard but just try it. I think it helps if you have someone with you to help and convince you to decide.
6) After everything, sweep or vacuum or clean your room to atleast ease your thoughts about those you are about to give up.
7) Take a picture of each you wanna sell and post it with the description and price of course. If you can, it helps if you make your friend or family member to keep those stuff you are selling and let them ship them out for you. It would refrain you from seeing those stuff and keeping them again.
8) Enjoy your income and keep in mind not to make a mess of your room again xD

That's all. I hope this helps. :)
Haha! Yeah that is actually a great way to inspire everyone to clean their rooms. Some things that seem a trash to you is actually useful to someone. And it is a win win situation for the seller and buyer. The seller gets to clean his stuffs and the buyer get the item he needs for much cheaper price.
Haha! Yeah that is actually a great way to inspire everyone to clean their rooms. Some things that seem a trash to you is actually useful to someone. And it is a win win situation for the seller and buyer. The seller gets to clean his stuffs and the buyer get the item he needs for much cheaper price.
This is just it, what we see as trash in our homes can actually be a treasure to another so if there are a whole lot of clutters at home. To keep the home neat is to declutter it and then instead of throwing them away can be resold to make money. Like you stated it become a win win for both parties involved
It is actually true that sometimes what we might see as not very useful or not very expensive might actually be something that somebody has been looking for a long time. If you have things in your home that you cannot use selling it online for a fee is actually a very good idea.