Debt Avalanche versus Debt Snowball: Which Is Better?


VIP Contributor
If you want to get out of debt, you've probably heard of the debt avalanche and the debt snowball. Both of these strategies have the potential to assist you in paying off your debt, but which one is superior? To help you decide which strategy is best for you, we will compare the debt snowball and debt avalanche approaches in this article.

Regardless of interest rates, the Debt Snowball method involves paying off your debts in order, from smallest to largest. The smallest debt is paid off first, followed by the next smallest, and so on. While this approach may not be the most cost-effective one, it can give you a sense of accomplishment and drive as you pay off each debt.

In contrast, the Debt Avalanche strategy entails paying off your debts in ascending order of interest rates. After paying off the debt with the highest interest rate first, you move on to the next debt with the highest interest rate, and so on. Although it may take longer to pay off your first debt using this strategy, it can save you more money over time in interest costs.

So, which approach is superior? In the end, it depends on your personal circumstances and financial objectives. The debt snowball method might be a good choice for you if you need motivation and a sense of accomplishment to keep you on track. The debt avalanche strategy might be a better option for you if you want to pay off your debt as quickly as possible and save money on interest charges.

Getting out of debt can be made easier with the help of either the debt snowball or the debt avalanche strategies. When choosing a method, take into account your personal circumstances and financial objectives. The most important thing is to stick to your plan and remain committed to getting out of debt, regardless of which strategy you choose—the debt snowball or the debt avalanche.