Data privacy issues that are common in the ecommerce business.


VIP Contributor
While the ecommerce business has been booming in the past few years, it also comes with a lot of privacy issues. The fact that customers are always on their phone making a purchase means that they don't have any control over their data privacy. So, what are some of the data privacy issues that are common in the ecommerce business?

1. The customer's address and other personal information can be stolen without them knowing it.

2. A person's credit card details can be stolen from an ecommerce site when they enter it online or by using a purchase order form.

3. Customers' personal emails can be hacked and sold to others after being stolen from their accounts or from someone else's account who is using the same password or email address as the victim's email account!

4. Customers' orders can be stolen if they are not encrypted properly before being sent to your server, or if you use outdated versions of software like Adobe Acrobat which could result in loss of personal information such as passwords and credit card numbers.


VIP Contributor
Data privacy is one of the most important aspects of ecommerce. It’s a big headache for most companies, especially since there are so many things that can go wrong when it comes to handling customer data.

But it’s not as daunting as you might think. In fact, there’s plenty you can do to make sure your customers have a better experience when browsing your site and interacting with your brand.

Here are some tips for staying on top of data privacy issues in the ecommerce business:

Set up an opt-out system. Your customers should be able to tell you about any personal information they don’t want associated with their account and immediately have it removed from your system. You can include this functionality in your checkout process or add it later on after checkout has completed.

Keep track of what data you collect and why it matters to them (even if they aren’t telling you). This way, when they come back later and try to complete a purchase, they will be able to see exactly what information was shared with the merchant during their first visit and how that information might help them make a decision about whether or not they want to proceed with their purchase.