Consider this when choosing a course to study


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Choice of course starts from the basic level of senior high/ secondary school when students have to choose whether to study arts, sciences, commercial, technical and etc. This is the point that the decision of which course to study becomes critical.

This thread will be of help to those parents who will guide their children or students who are at the stage of choosing what to study.

✓ First and foremost, choose or select a course that has so many self employment opportunities. There are courses that are visibly non marketable and studying them adds no value to your ability to be self dependent. Avoid such courses and go for ones that have multiple opportunities for self employment both regionally and worldwide.

✓ The next thing to consider is the Marketability of the course. When you cannot be self dependent, then someone should be able to employ you. You should study a course with employment opportunities.
So the things I majorly look at is either your ability to be self dependent or get employed.

The choice narrows down when one needs to choose what to study at a tertiary level.
What are your thoughts on this particular subject matter?