Choose your business base on your passion


Active member
In the entrepreneurial world, you may have heard tips from seniors or successful entrepreneurs about how important it is to run a job according to your passion.
Passion is an activity (generally a hobby or interest) carried out by someone where that person feels interested, learns and does the activity without any reward. Example: you are a book reader. One time you are interested in writing, and find out, it is not easy to write an article or a short story that is only a few tens of words, but you feel challenged and want to produce written work. You are quite satisfied, but you realize that the book has many shortcomings because it is your first experience writing a book. Without realizing it, you continue to learn and practice, looking for references until you finally produce a written work in the form of a book. But you are not satisfied there. You continue to look for weaknesses in your book and write several books with continuous improvement. You realize that it turns out that writing is your passion. That feeling of satisfaction is what you need in business, because usually (of course) the wheels of business go up and down.

When your business is lonely, you need your passion to survive and determine the next step. The business must start from a passion or people often call it a hobby.

The main characteristics of a person's passion:

- You're willing to do it without being paid though.

- You are not easily satisfied and continue to find out about it.

- Time flies when you do that.

- Invaluable satisfaction when you successfully complete it.​


VIP Contributor
One thing my mentor told me that I will not forget is that sometimes you don't need your passion in order to make money especially online. There are a lot of people making money online in ways that they are not passionate about but they are doing it because they really want to make money. As far as your passion is good and important it shouldn't be the only basis of your income.


Verified member
It is good to really choose a business that you have passion for not because of money per- say. If you choose business because they said it is lucrative or because you heard people are making a lot of profit, you may later be frustrated out of the business. If you choose a business that you have passion for, you will still be striving and managing the business when the business is not bringing the gain as expected. This is so because you will not get tired of your passion.


VIP Contributor
One should pursue a business idea or any opportunity he or she finds interesting. A person must be truly zealous for what he plans to do. Otherwise, loss becomes an inevitable thing a person must bear. There are many people who think that what they are doing is kind of something that that will bring them profit, but in the end they fail to expand their business. A motivated and zealous person always thinks about growing his or her business.


VIP Contributor
Well I don't really believe to choose anything base on passion especially business. I believe if we want to invest in anything, we should invest in something that can sell, not because we have passion for that business. We may have passion for one thing and that thing may not be sellable in our location. So it's better to shun passion when it comes to trying to get a business to do in our location, what may sell in our district or location may not be our passion.


Valued Contributor
If you have passion for a business , there would be that huge motive that you will have in making the business a successful one , unless the person have no passion for the business he or she is doing , , passion is what drives and motivate you in the business


VIP Contributor
Passion drive s business when all hope is gone. But one thing we need to realize always is that nothing good comes easy. If you want to succeed with your business then you need to also apply wisdom and patience. Don't think it will rain money for you every day


VIP Contributor
It is the best thing for one to choose according to somebody passion before starting any business. Some people has chosen out of their passion and they always fail.
Many people chosen the business they are doing base on what they see that some of their friends are doing instead of asking how to do it from those that knows better than them.

Good luck

Verified member
You will always progress and succeed when you have passion for what you do when it comes to doing a particular business of your interest.people fail in business because they are not passionate about what they do and how it is been need to be focus to be able to progress in any form of business one venture into