Choice of technology in production


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The selection of equipment needed to run an entrepreneur outfit is not done without care and understanding of their consequences. The choice of the facilities to operate with in a production venture is usually very expensive and firms usually spent enough time to plan and decide on the best option that serves the company best. The choice is very crucial here because of the technological developments and variations in the world over. To make an informed decision in terms of selecting the right technology, plant and machine that will serve the best purpose, the following issues are I'm often considered :

Manpower factor:

The machine selected most take cognizance of the available labour within the organization so that it will not render the current labour force redundant. Such equipment should be able to fit into the manpower skills of the firm.

Standardization of Equipment :

In selecting equipment standardization of equipment must be recognized as not violate the product quality and quantity expectations. Through standardization, cost is reduced while capacity is utilized.

Purchase or lease of equipment :
The organization that is currently in operation should utilize the capacity of the equipment being used before anticipating to buying another one. However where circumstances demands that a new equipment be installed to add to what is available or add to something better.