General insurance Can a life of animal be insured?


Valued Contributor
Apparently, there is an insurance policy for life of a human being which is called life insurance as far as I know. But what about the life of an animal? Can the life of an animal be insured and even if it is possible to insure the life Of an animal, will there still be premium to be paid on the insured animal? Because I really don’t seem to understand why insurance companies will insist on this “premium pay”. An animal can’t even work to earn money so how is the premium expected to be paid. Oh I get it, it would be paid by the owner of the animal or by the person that insured the life of the animal. Well I still don’t see that as an answer to this question.
You didn't educate us on the said insurance police. This is the first time I heard about this type of insurance. I was reading your thread patiently hoping to have a grasp of what animal life insurance is all about but I got lost along the line. I think there should be this type of insurance policy in the western world.
Are you asking a question on whether life of animals can be insured or you are explaining what life insurance for animals is? If it is the latter it is funny the extent that people can go at times because how on earth will someone think of insuring animal's life but I am sure some people can still do it.
I don't think one can insure a life of an animal.It should be possible though some countries really cherish their pet to the extent of traveling with it to anywhere they are going not minding that it is an animal because they really care for it,some even care for animals more that depends on individual priority in dealing with what they care for
Common guys, do some research, animals too can be insured. For how much money an animal can be insured for depends on the worth of the animal according to the market price. In the western world, insuring your pets is very common, however, in my part of the world, pet insurance is not so common.
You can ensure the life of your farm animals through business insurance if you are running a livestock production business. Of recent I have also heard that you can also enroll into pet insurance for your household pets like your dogs and your cats. The insurance company will pay if any damage occurs to what you have insured .