Bitcoin Companies Warn Off " Pos " As Extreme Risk


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As the ether protocol has already announced to shift its mechanism to pos the market discussion already is hot at the moment and to add fire to it , the number of companies that supported the move by eth did not included a minimum but more than 10 big companies namely big giants like MicroStrategy and Grayscale , Core Scientific And bitgo all backing the decision

While ETH network got the votes of the big companies the individuals completely rejected the idea of switching and calling the fact that holders with more staking ability will be able to proper out a significant amount of share from the marlet leaving others for nothing

This made the situation difficult as congressmen jared Huffman blasted pos technology calling it a cause of industrial and environment pollution

Many repited personnels in the market continued to chat on the idea of power share of the protocol getting " centred " in few hands only vs the pow protocol where each user could play it's role individually and in significant manner