Balance between money and providing value to readers

To achieve a balance between earning money and providing value to readers, keep the following strategies in mind:

Focus on high-quality content that gives readers value rather than just more posts or sales pitches. In-depth, useful content that informs or benefits readers will more easily lead to opportunities to earn money in the long run. Readers appreciate value, and this draws more readers who could potentially become customers or subscribers. Do not churn out lots of mediocre content or push sales too early, as this can hurt your credibility and readership.
Choose advertising and monetization strategies that align with reader value. For example, select fewer but relevant ads, and be transparent about any affiliate links or sponsorships. Explain how these partnerships could benefit readers to build trust that you have their interests at heart, not just profits. Listen to feedback from readers about what they find useful and not disruptive. Adjust your blog's content and monetization accordingly to find the right balance for your audience.
Provide free resources or useful paid resources in addition to blog posts. Resources like guides, checklists, templates, or other tools give readers value. Free resources can build goodwill and gather emails, while paid resources earn money but still provide benefit to readers. Including resources show you want to advantage readers, not just make sales. Resources also offer another avenue to explore for revenue that aligns with reader interests.
Overall, have patience building your blog and audience. Do not push too hard for profits before establishing trust and value for readers. While earning money is important, keeping your audience's interests and experience at the forefront will pay off more in the long run. As your blog and readership grow, you can test various ethical money-making strategies, but always maintain a commitment to and focus on value for your readers. With consistency, you can achieve a balance of revenue and reader experience.