Are there any factors to consider before taking that job?


New member
Getting that dream job of yours comes with a lot of pleasant feelings with our expectations coming into fruition. But have you really sit yourself down and have a talk with yourself about if the job is really worth it?
Sometimes desperation can make us blindy take up a job, hiding its defect right before us and we only realize it when we take up this job. Some of the factors to consider when taking a job are:
Distance from the workplace: This is a very important factor to consider while taking a job. Going for a job that's far away from your home tends to increases the stress associated with work and most of your earnings will be spent on food and transport fare, living you with very little at the end of the day. Not worth it of you ask me.
Nature of location/Security: a person wouldn't want you work in a place were his life is not secure, working in an insecure environment makes one difficult to concentrate on him work and also put one's life at risk. Nothing is worth sacrificing your god given life for.


VIP Contributor
You are absolutely right. Apart from this. Someone should consider the salary to be paid. This will justify whether the job worth all the stress to be taken over it or not. As well, it is normal to know the security level of the job for someone to know whether to bank on the job or not.


Active member
There are a lot of factors to consider. There are jobs that can be really stressful and this can hinder productivity in other areas. Let's take an example with people who work as labourers and I don't just mean any type of Labour I'm in real labour. Staying is not a job for long and make him the body and is even rumoured that people who partake in such jobs take drugs. Your health is your number on assets and should never be tampered with for monetary gain.


Verified member
There are certain factors I normally consider before taking up a job. First of all, I actually consider my expertise or knowledge experience as I would not take up any job to work in a company which will diminish my cognitive value rather, I will work in companies that are competitive and challenging and which will help me to boost my morale, skills, affective and cognitive domain and also be able to compete in the outside world.

Before taking up a job too, I normally consider the distance especially if the job offer does not come with an accommodation. The distance is very important to me because I do not want to be surcharged due to lateness or non punctuality to work coupled with the high level of traffic in my geographical region. I also consider most importantly their renumeration because I believe that whatsoever input I task into the company or organisation, the output should be equivalent and not so demoralizing. Inasmuch as there will be role or job description, I also expect that the salary package and the fringe benefits should be reasonable and substantial to keep me motivated in doing my job well and also improve at a high productivity level.


Valued Contributor
Of course their are several factors to consider before accepting any particular offer of employment, besides welfare package like salary and other benefits, which indeed equally important because the job will need be called attractive if the welafare package is poor or inadequate. Infact if the welfare package is unattractive we will not even consider the job in the first place as the package is what keeps us motivated even in the face of challenges that the job role or description may present us. Besides all that there are other very important issues to consider that may even supersede that if the welfare package depending on personality anyway. I will say the work environment or atmosphere matters a whole lot. This has to domwith issues bothering on how one is been treated by ones superiors and even colleagues . If one is treated very badly, even if the pay is good one will not consider taking such job offer. No one want to be treated as a slave in this 21st century.

Again we sometimes consider the distance between our place of residence and the place of work, if the proximity is much and the poor is not sufficient enough one may decline the offer.


Verified member
Thank you for this you post, it is very useful. There are a lot of things that one has to consider before selecting a job but most of the time, due to pressure and other things that confuse use in the neighborhood we just jump ourselves into troubles in terms of finding out a job.

Let's say you are a married man and you are jobless and at the same time you are having kids too, you can imagine you source of pressure now. Therefore if something of this sort happens you will be too desperate to have a job and any job that you will get, you will not even take your time to check whether it will help you or not and by the time you will realize, you are already in hot water. I can never say this is a mistake but it is out of pressure that we sometimes so things.