All You Need To Know About White Hair Treatment


Ever wonder how to make your hair look more white? You can do a number of things to keep it looking white, though. However if you want something that is really quick and easy, that's it.

First, you'll want to use a shampoo that's specifically made for bleached hair. These shampoos are perfect for keeping your roots from turning brown, but they won't strip the color out of your ends like regular shampoos will. Next, comb through your hair with a brush as close to the scalp as possible. If you've never combed your hair after using shampoo before, this is an excellent opportunity! Comb through firmly and don't forget about the ends either!

Once you've finished doing this part of the process, rinse it out with cold water so that any excess dye won't build up in your ends. Then dry off gently with a towel and apply conditioner just once or twice if needed (depending on how much time has passed since applying the bleach product).