Affiliate marketing: what is it?


New member
Affiliate marketing in basic understanding is when you promote products for other companies and in exchange, you receive a commission on each sale. This is why the Internet is so powerful in today's world, as case studies have been conducted on extremely wealthy people through affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing business in the Internet is one of the effective ways of generating revenue so far. Affiliate marketing is a way of promoting online business through affiliate programs and the affiliates (or publishers) are paid commissions every time they make a sale, generate leads etc. In layman terms, it can be explained as “people selling other people products and receiving commission for everything that is sold through them”.

Hope it helps.
Affiliate marketing is a process by which you become "affiliated" with a specific merchant/vendor and are allowed to promote their products online. You are assigned a unique ID by that merchant/vendor or affiliate network that is part of each "affiliate link" you place on your blog/website/social media when you promote a product you like. If a visitor to your blog/website/social media account clicks on that link and purchases a product, you are given a commission from the merchant/vendor for helping sell the product. You can become affiliates of single merchants (like becoming an Amazon associate) or join an "Affiliate Network" which manages affiliate relationships for many merchants.
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