5 exciting ways to reward workers during the festive period


VIP Contributor
it is always good to reward's your worker's periodically to boost their productivity but the most is during the festive period that a lot is expected of the employer.

You have to do your rewarding in very different ways. This is to bring the excitement of the period into the workplace as well. So what are the exciting wsys to achieve this.

Appreciate performance with instant rewards. This is be so exciting to instantly reward a performing worker at the spot.

For the festive period reward them with flexible working period. You can add extra Holliday and time off. It is like letting them off the hook for the period. It will be very exciting for the workers..

Surprise them with early payment of salaries

Organize end of year celebration just for the workers it is just going to be all about the workers. Just let them have premium fun

Then dish out the festive treats for all workers


Valued Contributor
I heard that there is an organization that their boss could not give them anything, even biscuits as a mark of appreciation. The man just paid the staff salary and off they went for the holidays. That is a mark of appreciation. Such bosses do not deserve loyalty from his staff. They are just there because of the money. The man doesn't deserve anything. It is such a terrible situation. May we never end up working in a place that we would not be appreciated.

It is the end if the year and organizations must find a way to reward and celebrate its loyal staff. I anchored a company party and I was emotional as safe free presented awards. Some cried in the stage because they didn't believe that everything they were doing was being noticed. It is good to celebrate and appreciate the people that have done well in the year.

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