4 Major perks of job to be demanded by employees


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When it comes to perks of jobs there are the very mandatory and lawful ones that should come with your job as employee. And if there are not there, you need to demand for by your employers. There are:

Paid time-off

One legit employee benefit is the PTO. This is about days or weeks when you can take off work but still get paid your usual salary. An employee is expected to earn a certain amount of PTO for every day or week that the person works

Retirement planning

All employees deserve this perk. so employers need to offer 401(k) plans to employees. Employer’s need to legally provide this for the workers.

Maternity leave
maternity leave is another legit perk for an employee. this is is a period of time-off given to mothers or fathers in the weeks leading up to the birth of a child. The parent will be given at least three months of nursing with paid to care properly for the child before returning to work

flexible work schedule
Another one is the flexible work schedule perk where employee can have different work schedules that will suit the person than a rigid one. This will enable the employee to be more efficient.