3 Quick Ideas for making money


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Ideas for making money can give you the freedom to do what you want and make money. The best part is that it only takes your time and costs nothing much. I will share some of my own money-making advice with you in this guide, showing you how to make money both online and offline. While not all of these concepts are free, they are all simple to implement and have the potential to turn a profit quickly.

1. Subscription Box Service
People love subscription boxes because they don't have to buy them every week or every month. Dollar Shave Club and other subscription box services that have grown to be huge and profitable are excellent examples. Sell a subscription of something that people use on a weekly or monthly basis, like Nepa bill payment, Gotv, or Startimes recharge.

2. Life Insurance Professional
Because it typically covers 100% or even more of the premium, life insurance offers you the highest commissions in the insurance industry. You need approval and a thorough understanding of the field to get started.

3. Accounting and bookkeeping
No entrepreneur enjoys doing their own accounting and bookkeeping. You will be able to offer your services to these businesses, which is a great opportunity. Start with a few customers and add testimonials later.


VIP Contributor
There are hundreds ways of making money, but the problem is the discipline to stick with until you start making money, many people start and quit along the line, nevertheless, here are some of the ways

1- Investing in stocks or real estate: This requires some upfront capital, but if done correctly, can yield high returns over time.

2- Renting out a spare room or property on Airbnb: If you have an extra room in your home or a vacation property, consider renting it out to travelers through Airbnb.

3- Participating in paid surveys or focus groups: Companies often pay individuals to participate in market research studies or focus groups.

4- Freelancing: If you have a particular skill or expertise, consider offering it as a freelancer. This could be anything from writing to photography to web design.

5- Pet sitting or dog walking: If you love animals, consider offering pet sitting or dog walking services to busy pet owners


VIP Contributor
They are some money-making ideas now that one just have to research on the ones that one can comfortably do. They are the ones, one can take advantage of it is not about just engaging in a business idea because is not sometimes easy as we think.

We have to research and be sure that the business idea we need to carry out is the best for us the different business ideas that I think are simple includes working online, investing in properties, renting out different spaces in our home, doing Business, buying and selling either online or offline and lots more but the good thing is that there are other business ideas that we can engage in that will give us passive income which is always the best for someone with money you have to also make your money work for you not you working for money all the time so this can be gotten from investing in stocks.


VIP Contributor
If you don't have the required skill to make money on the internet, there are several ways you can use to make a few dollars every day for yourself from the internet.

Participating in online surveys is one of the best ways you can use to make some good amount of money for yourself but what you have to understand is that it is only limited to those in top-tier countries.

If you're in a country like the United States or United kingdom you can actually sign up on several surveyy platforms and make a few dollars for yourself or daily basis. The beautiful thing about it is that you do not need to be skilled in order to make money from it.

All you need is some level of consistency then your chances of consistency to make money.

you can also participate in microjobs platforms to make some dollars for yourself daily.


Active member
There are thousands of ways in which you can make big amount of money either online or offline depending on the business you decided to choose , offline business normally takes you through some stressful activities if you dont have much money enough to handle the business .
If you are financially buoyant , you can go into farming business which is highly lucrative if you venture to it big time , using for example , farming on a large hectares of land will bring you almost ten times your business capital in your first try , you can venture into fish farming , poultry farming business, heliculture , apiculture and many other farming busuness .
Secondly you can go into estate business and investment but buying and sellings of land and houses which is highly lucrative, you can also decided to build or buy houses and uses it for rentage to make better return .


Active member
One of the quick ways to make money is by buying and selling useful and novel items. You can run this business online and offline. You may need to join weekend markets or simply get a permit to display your products in designated public places. You may also sell them to friends or neighbors. The usual sources of products are online selling platforms that sell stuff at incredibly low prices with a free shipping bonus. If you have the time and patience to look for low-priced items that your target market will find useful, you can make decent money selling those stuff. People don't always have time to search for products online and many don't like paying the shipping fee for buying an item or two.

You can make quick money if you already have some skills. Even students can make money by providing tutorial services to children. In the academe, one of the easiest ways to make money is by sitting as a member of the panel during a thesis defense.