10 steps to generate sales through traditional marketing methods


VIP Contributor
Traditional marketing (also advertising) is not dead yet. In fact there is a huge potential of traditional marketing and advertising. If you are interested, here are 10 steps to do it.
  1. Identify your target audience: Understanding your potential customers' needs, wants, and preferences is key to effective marketing.
  2. Develop a marketing strategy: This should include the channels you plan to use to reach your target audience, such as print or online advertising, direct mail, email marketing, etc.
  3. Define your unique selling proposition: What makes your product or service different from your competitors?
  4. Create compelling content: This includes writing copy for ads, developing flyers and brochures, and creating video and social media content.
  5. Choose the right channels: Decide which channels are best suited for your target audience and allocate your budget accordingly.
  6. Utilize direct mail: Send targeted mail pieces to your target audience to generate leads and build your brand.
  7. Host events: This can include trade shows, product launches, or customer appreciation events.
  8. Offer promotions and discounts: Use incentives such as coupons, discounts, or limited-time offers to encourage customers to purchase.
  9. Follow up with leads: Contact potential customers to answer their questions and provide more information.
  10. Measure and evaluate results: Track the success of your marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions to optimize future campaigns.


Well written , My area of concern is on the issue of uniqueness. That is to define a unique selling proposition. Making ones products or services to be quite different positively from others.

This has a lot to do in marketing strategy either the business is just starting up or it has been in existence before. When people have seen that your product is quite different as you have made them realize during your advertising campaign, it will not only boost your sales but also bring in multitude of customer which will eventually translate to turnover boost.

Other aspect that is also pertinent is the sustainability part . How can the uniqueness claimed can be sustained. Sustainability in the sense that :

Will you be able to maintain your production quality or qualitative service delivery ?

Will the competitors not live up to you and start competing with in the area of qualitative service delivery?

Will you be able to move in line with modern day trend in terms of technological advancement and still be unique ?

Will you be able to add corporate social responsibility CSR to the service delivery as a welfare and mutual consent to the members of the public?

Will you be able to remain the best even there are strict measures in the area of government policies and guidelines.?


Valued Contributor
People could integrate the product in for example a simple manner in traditionnal advertising. For example a cooking program is sponsored by a number of companies. Also beauty TV programs are sponsored by number of companies. There is also rent house TV programs sponsored by another kind of companies. Then you could find for each TV program there is at least 2 or 3 companies sponsoring the program this is why people may invest a lot of money for their product being present on TV.


This article accurately outlines the steps to successful traditional marketing and advertising. Traditional marketing is still a powerful tool for business to reach their target audience, and when used correctly can be extremely effective. It is important to identify the target audience and develop a marketing strategy tailored to them. this should include the channels that are best suited to reach them, such as print or online advertising, direct mail, email marketing, etc. Content should be compelling and unique and promotions are discounts should be used to encourage customers to purchase. Additionally, events and direct mail can be used to build the brand and generate leads. Finally, it is important to measure and evaluate the results of the campaigns to optimize future efforts.

Overall, traditional marketing and advertising can continue to be a powerful tool for business to reach their target audience, when used correctly, they can be extremely effective in driving sales and building brand awareness. Therefore, businesses should tal]ke the time to develop a comprehensive strategy and utilize the right channels to maximize their success.