Diabetes is a lifestyle disease. It not only affects the human body, but also severely restricts people's diet. Diabetics often have to sacrifice and give up many of their favorite foods to control their blood sugar levels and stay healthy. This makes it more difficult for people with diabetes (especially those with a sweet tooth). This is because if you have diabetes, you should avoid any sugary foods to avoid aggravating the condition in any way. With this in mind, we have brought you some sugar-free recipes that you can include in your breakfast to start your day in a healthy way.

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Most doctors always advised that we should try as much as possible to get our self tested and know our diabetic status every year at least if we are above the age of 40 because this is how we will be able to maintain our good health .if we have a higher blood sugar we can know and limit the type of food we eat such as consuming less sugar and others.