stay out of debts


    Avoid debts_skip clubbing

    While it is true that going clubbing and accumulating debt are two things that can potentially have negative consequences, it is not necessarily true that they are always linked. It is possible to go out and have a good time without spending beyond your means or accumulating debt. That being...

    Is it true that debts comes with stress?

    It is often true that debts can come with stress. Debt is a financial obligation that requires payment, often with interest, and if the debt is not repaid, it can lead to consequences such as late fees, higher interest rates, and damage to credit scores. This can cause stress for individuals who...

    Stay out of debts_archive your financial goals

    Staying out of debt is an important step towards achieving your financial goals, because with debts pilled you, it'll be very difficult for you to save money and archive your financial goals. Here are some tips that can help you avoid getting into debt so as to archive your financial goals...

    Is it possible to meet our financial goals while on debts

    You owing a huge amount of money can never block you from achieving your financial goals. So many people think that since they're owing too much, that there's no possiblity of reaching their financial goals. Is this true? Capital No. It's is possible to meet your financial goals while in debt...

    Debts impact on our Sense of self-respect

    Let's say you're on your way to work or anywhere at all, then you see the person you're owing. How do you always feel? When the person you're owing is with people, then you walk pass them, do you know what he or she always say behind your back because of the debts? What am trying to say here is...

    How can debts turn someone into a long time slave

    We all know what it means to be in debts, having debts pilled up for us can never make us sleep well and even build our wealth. Do you always ask yourself if debts can turn someone to a long time slave? What i mean by long time slave is continuing paying the debts you you're into till eternity...