real estate .

  1. Augusta

    Warning signs of appraisal scam in real estate

    There's an appraisal scams pepertuated by dubious elements in real estate. it is about scammers overstating the value of a property or home to create untrue equity. You can easily fall for this kind of scam as a buyer or an investor if you don't know the red flags or warning signs Scams come...
  2. Augusta

    How to easily spot housing scam

    Housing scam is one of the easier ways that scammers or Fraudsters make quick money. They are always ignorant people that fall victims to their scam But you need to know how to easily spot them to avoid falling for them. Housing scammers want you to pay for a house you are yet to see. The...
  3. Augusta

    Can one buy a property with easement on it?

    If you intend to buy a property and realises it comes with an easement you can still go ahead to purchase But what you should do is to find out about restrictions on the property and how the property need to be used. used, The sure thing is to make sure you fully understand the restrictions...
  4. Augusta

    Paying for realtor commission as first time house buyer

    When you need to buy a house, you would need to work with an agent or a realtor. A lot of people love to work with a realtor as they are licensed agents that have been registered with the real estate agents Association. Working with this licensed professional means you would have to pay some...
  5. Augusta

    How to offer digitally acceptable service in real estate

    The truth is that , In today's digital age, offering digitally acceptable customer service to clients has become even more critical. The fact is that Buyers have easy access to top notch service by other realtors and agents So as an agent trying to make a success of your business you need to...
  6. Augusta

    Benefits of home warranties in Real estate

    Just like any other warranties, a home warranty is to give protection. to the homeowner against any expensive smd unforeseen home expenses. The most is that it will offer peace of mind to the homeowner So what are the benefits of getting home warranties from a warranty company A homeowner...
  7. Augusta

    Documents to present for proof of funds to an agent

    After agreeing to an offer, sellers will demand that a buyer submit proof of funds.especially if one is buying a house with a mortgage. This is to enable the agent know that the buyer have the cash available for a down payment and closing costs. Again, If in a case cash payment your proof of...
  8. Augusta

    Locations to buy a commercial property

    The location where a commercial property is located matters a lot. Remember you are using it for business you don't have to missed the most valuable factor which is the location. if you want to make good money use the below tips to buy your commercial property Location with neighborhood...
  9. Augusta

    Employers mistakes that instigate early employees burnout

    The thing is that employees do experience burnouts or exhaustion from time to time and it is always good that employers step in to reduce it fir the employees but some employers most times worsen the situation The following are the mistakes that employers do to instigate more burnout for...
  10. Augusta

    How to become an international real estate agent

    It has become imperative now as a real estate agent to enjoy the idea of developing property selling skills we which will enable you expand in to the global real estate market. With this you can take your real estate skills to a wider audience world wide to allow you increase your overall...
  11. Augusta

    The top 4 elements of a property value

    Real estate or Property has got its elements of value. This is where you can assess to derived your value level of your property from. The truth is that we all need to know the value level of our real estate. And this four elements come into Play. The four elements of value of real estate...
  12. Mastergp

    Real Estate Closing Cost Importance

    Closing costs are important in real estate investment because they represent a significant expense that must be factored into the overall cost of the investment. These costs can include things like appraisal fees, title insurance, legal fees, and lender fees. They can add up quickly and can have...
  13. Mastergp

    Real Estate Negotiating Skills

    Negotiating is an important part of the real estate business because it allows the parties involved to come to a mutually beneficial agreement. This can include finding a price that works for both the buyer and seller, or determining the terms of a rental or lease agreement. Real estate agents...
  14. Funshow007

    How to save for a Down Payment on a House

    The majority of individuals dream of owning a home, but only a select few are fortunate enough to find the residence of their dreams. If you are concerned about having enough money saved for a down payment, you are not alone. I hope that our money-saving advice will enable you to amass the...
  15. Augusta

    How to Handle Property Agent’s Pressure as real estate investor

    You would need to avoid Succumbing To Property Agent’s Pressure when you want to invest in real estate. The truth is thst if you’re not buying directly from a real estate company, You need to avoid allowing property agents or even unprofessional property marketers to put pressure to buy what...
  16. Augusta

    Solutions for a client backing out from a property sales.

    There come a time that a customer decides to back out from buying a house after negotiations. The thing is that purchasing a house is one of the major decisions for anyone. Sometimes a customer will need more time to think through and be sure the house they want to buy is appropriate for them...
  17. Augusta

    How to spot a crooked landlord In Nigeria

    if you are house hunting in Nigeria, you would need to pay attention to somethings concerning the landlord to avoid getting trapped with a desperate landlord that will give you financial stress living in their house They are everywhere now and you should know how to spot them. Asked for a cash...