
  1. Yusra3

    3 Myths About Intermittent Fasting Debunked

    Intermittent fasting has turn out to be an increasing number of famous in latest years. As more and more people discover that it can help them lose weight and feel better. But despite being backed by science and supported by experts, there are still a lot of myths about intermittent fasting...
  2. Yusra3

    Nutritional Myths You Should Stop Believing In

    So you're trying to be healthy. Maybe you've cut back on sugar, started exercising regularly, and even started keeping track of your water intake. You're doing great! And there are also a few things we think you should stop doing, too. Here are two nutritional myths you can stop believing in...
  3. Yusra3

    6 Healthy Diet Myths You Have Believed Forever That Are Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

    If you’re trying to reduce weight, you’ve probably heard the key to success is to eat less and move more. But have you ever stopped to wonder why it seems like this advice never works? It’s not your fault.there are a lot of myths about how to lose weight which are certainly dangerous to your...