make money as a music artist

  1. Bisolami

    How Do People Make Money From Music Platforms?

    I've seen a lot of people that do music and they promote them on some musical platforms but I've always wondered how they do it because I want to engage in the music business too but I don't know how to go about it. Actually, I know a lot of streaming platforms in the world. I know streaming...
  2. allison001

    Make money from music

    What are the different strategies to make money from music? 1.License your music What does it means to license your music? Licensing your music means that you register your work and get paid when it's used by third parties, either played on the radio,used in a YouTube video, commercial or TV...
  3. moonchild

    How To Make Money As A Music Artist

    Music artist are one of the public figures that are so much respected nowadays, and music has a lot of consumers both locally and internationally, the demand is so high and I'll argue that the supply is so high, so it kind of creates an equilibrium, most musicians think that the only way they...