how to save money

  1. freelancermaria

    How to Save Money on Subscription Services

    We live in a digital age, and we prefer to be as comfortable as possible. Despite their high prices, many people use streaming services. Hulu and Netflix, for example, have millions of subscribers worldwide. Having multiple subscriptions can be overwhelming. The good news is that there are...
  2. Shaf

    How to Set Goals For Saving

    Having a plan is good for every decision you take in life, and it is even more so for finances where you don't want to waste any opportunity to make more money. Having a plan for your savings can take you a long way. A good savings plan should include how much you want to save, where you will...
  3. K

    Bonus questions to ask yourself about money

    Bonus questions to ask yourself. 1. What do I want to do in 5 years, (it can even be 10), that I need to save/invest for.? 2. When was the last time I felt guilty about a purchase? Why did I feel that way? 3. What are 5 things do I love doing? Do any of these cost money?
  4. D

    Do you spend way too much money: Do this

    Do you somehow feel like you spend way too much, Here, Answer the following questions honestly: 1.) Do you have a partner or spouse who complains that you spend too much money? 2.) Do you get startled each month when you get your credit card bill and see how much more you charged than you...