bad debt

  1. Ramolak19

    How To Deal And Recover From Bad Debts

    I think recovery of old debts will always helped the if we know how to handle it because It takes a proactive and methodical approach to deal with and recover from bad debts. Begin by evaluating the circumstances and determining the underlying reasons of the bad debt. Engage in direct and timely...
  2. Augusta

    3 strategies to adopt in recovering bad debt

    There are debt that you classify as bad debt when you are not sure if getting your money back from the debtors. Before you write them off as irrecoverable debts you can still try to recover them. Until you have tried all avenues you can't be too much that you can't recover your money. You can...
  3. Good-Guy

    Will Avoiding Taxes Eventually Lead To Bad Debts?

    Bad debts is usually considered a bad thing. When a person has a huge amount of bad debt, they usually have a much harder time dealing with their finances. Companies or individual who have a big amount of bad debts usually end up borrowing more loans in order to pay the money they borrowed in...
  4. Good-Guy

    Loans How Avoiding These Two Habits Can Decrease Bad Debts

    Loans and bad debts can cause a lot of harm to oneself. This is because loans and bad debt can lead to bankruptcy and this may lead to loss of property in the end. However, I am not talking about some major kind of bad debt. Bad debt can also involve small amounts. These small amounts can...