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  1. K

    Competitive Participation Creates Ongoing Acceleration

    Competition can occur on two levels--conscious and unconscious. Conscious competition is easier to identify and work with; people can tell you about it. They could be in the same line of work trying to land the same clients and customers. They could be bidders on the property you'd like to own...
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    Sharing Goals Creates Growth!

    If you've ever attended a meeting, seminar, or other business event, chances are you've learned about goal setting. Clearly identifying and recording the steps to your objective with a timeline is par for achieving long-term success, yet most people fail to do so. This is often why people give...
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    How to Develop Your Purpose

    Your purpose is what you want your life to represent. It is generally revealed through your long range goals. Your purpose provides orientation and direction for your journey through life. It is your reason for living. Like a ship's compass, your purpose guides you when all else fails. No one...
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    NOW Is the Only Time You Have to Do Anything!

    Do you think you're just average and can't grow? You're not and I'll prove it! Hopefully this goes a long way in helping you on your journey of success. It may not be readily apparent to you but it does put you in the more successful minority. Get this. The average person buys only one book a...
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    The Voice Within

    The creative faculty becomes more alert and receptive to factors originating outside the individual's subconscious mind the more this faculty is used, and the more the individual relies upon it and makes demands upon it for thought impulses. This faculty can be cultivated and developed only...
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    Marketing Online With A Shoestring Budget - 3 Powerful Strategies That Work!

    Marketing online with a shoestring budget is very challenging especially in today's economy. Companies these days are slashing their budget and downsizing in every possible way. You may think that because you have little money to get started that the deck is stacked against you, however, knowing...
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    Seven Guidelines for Establishing Your Purpose

    A clearly defined purpose projects your life into eternity. Once you have identified your purpose, you can set a direction for your life. As you strive to realize your purpose, you harmonize with the rhythms of life which form your destiny. It must be idealistic. Always strive for the highest...
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    How Email Marketing Can Explode Your Business

    What is Email Marketing? Email Marketing is simply using email in your marketing communications. Every email you ever send to a prospect, customer or affiliate can be classed as email marketing. Businesses can send promotional emails and marketing messages of all kinds to try and acquire new...
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    Best Tips for Search Engine (SEO) Marketing

    Ever wonder why some websites run better than others on the search engines? A powerful web marketing technique called Search Engine Optimization otherwise known as SEO is responsible. SEO can bring extra traffic to your website because it places it in more visible places on the search engines...
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    Build Your Business with (SMS) Mobile Marketing

    What is SMS Mobile Marketing? There are about 6.8 billion people on the planet and approximately 4.5 billion of them have a mobile or cellular phone. Mobile marketing allows your business to directly advertise to your customers via their mobile or cell device. Mobile SMS (Short Message Service)...
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    Network Marketers Should Go Outside Their Company's Training

    Network marketers should go outside their Company's training to succeed in network marketing. Traditional trends teaches newbies how to sort their friends, co-workers, and family members. It will also lead you to believe that you should pitch everyone who comes within 3 feet of listening to you...
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    The Royal Flush of Interactive Marketing - Blogging

    What is Blogging in a Nutshell? Blogging is the activity of creating short articles known as blogs. A blog is an abbreviated version of a weblog, which is used to describe sites that contain an ongoing chronicle of information. A blog features diary-type commentaries and links to articles on...
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    Creating A Marketing Funnel

    Creating a complete marketing funnel is essential when it comes to turning website visitors into prospects and eventually paying customers for any product or service you choose to offer. This is a powerful method and one that is used by many of the 'top' marketers online today. As you are...
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    The 5 Social Media Sites You Need to Know About

    Today we're going to tell you about 5 free sites that'll help you explode your traffic... AND get a better search engine ranking... AND build a name for yourself as an expert in your field... AND maintain better customer relations... AND get new ideas for growing your business! The sites...