What is the symptoms and signs of Atelectasis(collapse of the lung)


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Most of the disease causing pulmonary collapse are discussed under the individual headings, so only the very common from occurring post- operatively calls for special mention here .
After operation the patient is often described as difficulty in breathing. If the collapse us extensive, the dyspnoea is more sever; it clauses distress to the patient and is accompanied by cyanosis. In most cases a fever is present. Examination of the chest reveals the presence and extent of the atelectasis, and this is usually confirmed by an x-ray of the chest.

PREVENTION: This is by far the most important part of the treatment. Any evidence of chest infection will naturally call for a postponement of the operation, if at all possible. Pre- operative breathing exercise in all patients subject to chest trouble are most valuable
Routine encouragement of all post- operative patients yo breathe deeply will reduce the incidence of atelectasis appreciably.

TREATMENT OF ACTUAL COLLAPSE: Deep breathing and coughing exercises every hour for a few minutes are very useful . inhalations of oxygen are useful especially if dyspnoea or cyanosis is present. Postural drainage, by tipping the patient so that the collapsed area (usually the base of the lung) is uppermost, often dislodges a thick plug of mucus and expands the lung.
This procedure is possible only in some cases, depending on the severity of the operation and the gent condition of the patient. It is, however a very useful and most effective measure whenever it can be applied .
Chest percussion (or clapping) by a skilled physiotherapist is often combined with postural drainage.