Home Based Business Excuses


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Everyone who's ever started a business from scratch have always faced the same problems: no reputation, no money, and they have virtually no resources.
.• Not enough time!
• Not educated enough!
• Not smart enough!
• Not old/young enough!

But let's face it, just about EVERY successful business has started with these same challenges. For example:

Richard Branson started his first business venture as a schoolboy making sales calls from the phone box at the end of the road.

Apple was started Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in one of their parents' garage.

Innocent smoothies started with one stall at a music festival.

I could give you many more examples, but the point is consistently successful people don't worry about what they do or don't have, they do their best with what is available to them.
That's called resourcefulness. Instead of complaining about how few hours there are in a day, make the most of the 24 hours you DO have --the same 24 hours that everyone is given. Instead of using a lack of money or education as an excuse, do your very best with what you DO have.
Instead of wishing for something that you don't have and using that as your reason NOT to move forward, look for what you can use right now, who you can speak to, for something they can learn, for anything that will take them closer to their goals.
If you're struggling in life at the moment and have goals that seem as far away as ever, my suggestion to you is don't blame a lack of resources, but become more resourceful with what you have.

Do what you can, with what you've got, from where you are. You'll be amazed at what you can do with what you've already got. Of course, this also means that you've got less excuses for not making progress, giving you more responsibility for your success (or lack thereof) whether you like it or not. As scary and confronting as this can be for some people, it's a good thing. So what have you got around you that you can be more resourceful with?
Here are my six top tips for making the most of what you've got when starting a business from scratch.
  1. Use the resources at your fingertips.
  • Have a car? You could offer a local delivery service.
  • Have a kitchen? You could start making cakes or providing catering for parties.
  1. Build a business round the skills you already possess. What can you do that someone else might be prepared to pay for? Can you make clothes, paint and decorate, programme a computer, speak Italian? Do you have a hobby you could turn into a business?
If you possess a skill that other people don't, or would need to invest time and money learning for themselves, that immediately puts you at a big advantage.
  1. look for the gaps in the market – your business will be most successful when you serve an existing want and need which isn't already being met in the market.
This may take some digging and some creative thinking on your part. The willingness to do this separates the wannabes from the players.
  1. Get customers to pay you upfront -- or at worse, half upfront, half later, so that your costs are always covered. When steve jobs started apple he got a purchase order from his first customer and used that to secure credit to get the parts he needed to fulfill the order. There is ALWAYS a way.
  1. Don't put your fledgling business under pressure by expecting it to pay for all your living expenses and personal outgoings too soon. It may take months, or even years before your business can pay you a full time salary. Until then, you may need to work part or even full time to cover your living expenses.
In reality that may mean you are working two full time jobs to get your business off the ground. Sometimes that's what it takes.
  1. Make the most of free technology to promote your business. You can build a website for nothing using wordpress.org Then get social networking. It's free, it's easy, and it's an amazing way of promoting your business without spending any money. Sign up to Twitter, create a Facebook page, and join LinkedIn.
Finally, if you have a dream for a business, then you also inside of you all the seeds to make it happen. Does that mean it will be easy? NO.
You may have to dig deep, you may discover inner strengths that you didn't know you had-- but the path to where you want to be starts from where you are now.

Don't delay your dream by wishing for a different starting point. Get started TODAY by making the most of what you have right now.

What have you been telling yourself you 'need' before you can get started? Have you overcome a lack of resources? How did you do it? What are your FAVOURITE inspirational examples of people who have overcome a lack of resources to achieve
something they wanted? Let's build a collection of inspiring examples and bust through those

'I CAN'T BECAUSE....' Excuses.

Come and share your examples leave a comment now .Did you like this post? If so, share it with your friends.
And if you want even more great resources to help you get more of what you want in both your business and your life -- then come for more update.
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