Asking for Good book recommendation about business?

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New member
Hello entrepreneurs!

Do you have a favorite book that you can recommend to newbies that are planning to start their business? I would like to learn how business work and how to start your own. I hope to learn more by reading books that teach people the things to do and things to avoid when running a business.

I hope you can recommend many books to learn from!


Valued Contributor
I don’t believe one ha to go to the extent of reading a whole book because you want to go into business, there are other ways to achieve than just going through a whole novel for it. You could consider going for tutorials about this, it will really help you a lot, because you would have the chance to ask questions when you do not understand some certain things, this kind of opportunity can’t be seen in a book because you don’t get the chance to ask about anything that doesn’t seem clear to you. So i think having a direct interaction with someone that has more experience about it is quite better.