


Ethereum - the SECOND cryptocurrency in the world by popularity after Bitcoin and the FIRST by popularity with the ability of smart contract creation. Smart contract - it is an algorythm of cryptocurrency distribution, wich can not be edited or delated after upload to the Ethereum network.

The CRYPTOHANDS smart contract is uploaded into the Ethereum cryptocurrency network and even theoretically cannot be changed or deleted by anyone, including its creators. Therefore nobody and nothing can stop the work of the System even in case of site closure or administartion disappear. CRYPTOHANDS system does not belong to anyone and works independently of the site.

Accounts of every user keeps by the smart contarct and not by the site, that's why it can't be blocked or deleted even by the site admin. In your account (without password) on the CRYPTOHANDS site is displayed only the information about every account , taken from the Ethereum smart contract. Therefore, it is impossible to hack an account and change a member's wallet.