Amazon Mturk- Transcribing, picture selections and surveys!


New member
Morning everyone!
I know that this has been posted before, but not in a long time so I wanted to share it with the new users.

The Amazon Mturk is a website where you can take on small jobs doing various tasks for users and get paid in Amazon gift cards. These jobs vary in ranges from low effort- low paying to high effort- high paying. Some examples of the low effort jobs include transcribing audio to text. These are usually 30 second jobs which can pay out $0.05-$0.30 each depending on the day.

An example of a high effort job would be the surveys. These are usually posted by market researchers and and university students looking for a certain demographic. These type of surveys can take pretty long to complete (20-30min), but have a higher payout of $2-10.

Demographics plays a big part in this website as the majority of the jobs are limited to American residents. With this being said, there seems to be a growing number of jobs available to international workers.

Does anybody have any tips or tricks for finding the best jobs on Mturk?