Asking for What is your opinion on earnings on Instagram and YouTube?

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I’d like to know your opinion about all these earnings on the Internet. Do you believe in all this? What you can invest is not clear in which financial pyramid and then they will pay off. Or to listen to someone who earned a lot of money there from the air and then worked for him by himself, and earned that money from you and the like. In my opinion, only social platforms give any kind of money without investments. And that’s all based on advertising, on the target audience, or rather on its number and also on views. Here is one of the manuals that teaches this all . It is about making money on Instagram.

There are a lot of manuals about YouTube and other social sites where you can earn. And I don’t know these financial pyramids. Not a fact, but still it’s possible that something can be earned there.

Do you want to hear your opinion on all these issues? And I apologize for my not very good English if something is not clear