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Choose the Right Affiliate Network

The fit must be right between you and the merchant who is going to benefit from your promotional efforts, or it simply won’t work. The easiest way to begin with affiliate marketing is to select an affiliate network. Many affiliate networks exist, some of which are tied to well-known companies like Amazon, Google, and Apple, while others specialize in specific types of products and services.

You may have heard of ClickBank, one of the oldest and most popular affiliate networks. A billion-dollar company, ClickBank specializes in digital products like e-books and software, as well as membership sites. If you haven't considered selling digital information products, then you should seriously consider doing so considering all the benefits. Digital information products offer much higher commissions (anywhere from 10 to 75%+) than physical products which usually only offer commissions under 5%. Also digital information products and can be easier to sell in many cases because people can get instant access and immediate gratification when purchasing a digital information product.

Seriously consider selling digital information products as an affiliate, as they often offer much higher commissions than physical products.

Another network you should consider when it comes to promoting products as an affiliate is As you may already know, just about any physical product can be sold on Though products on Amazon generally offer lower commissions than their digital product counterparts, selling products on Amazon as an affiliate can be a much higher volume business and most people trust Amazon as a merchant, making it easier to sell products as an affiliate.

Finally, in some cases, you may work with a company or individual directly as an affiliate; rather than going through a network. Entrepreneurs or companies may run their own affiliate program and you can apply directly to them to promote their products and services. If you see a product that you would really like to promote as an affiliate and the company doesn't offer a formal affiliate program, you can always reach out to them to work out a private deal as well