What’s the largest personal loan you can get?


VIP Contributor
The maximum personal loan amount you can borrow varies greatly depending on the lender and your creditworthiness. Most lenders cap their personal loan limits between $30,000 to $100,000 for those with excellent credit. However, some major banks and lenders may offer personal loans up to $150,000 for well-qualified borrowers. Factors like your income, employment status, existing debts, and credit score play a major role in determining your maximum loan amount. Lenders view higher loan amounts as riskier, so you'll generally need a credit score over 720 and provable income to qualify for a six-figure personal loan. Building an excellent credit profile, having low debt-to-income ratios, and providing collateral can help you access the largest unsecured personal loan amounts. Online lenders tend to have lower maximums around $40,000 compared to banks and credit unions..
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Your financial situation, credit rating, earning power, and the policies of the lending institution will dictate your maximum personal loan. Base on individual circumstances as well as lenders criteria this can be any amount up to $100,000 especially for personal loans that are usually unsecured. Things taken into account include credit rating, income security, debt ratio, repayment period and guidelines set by a lender. The higher the scores, incomes or the lower the ratios of debts lead to increased chances of being approved for bigger loans with better interest rates. Lenders have different maximum loans depending on what kind of borrowers they target. Comparing various offers from different lenders before obtaining a loan is highly recommended in order to get favorable terms and prevent future financial problems.