Finance Can You Trust Your Accountant When It Comes To Business Finance?


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Accountants are the kind of people who are responsible for all the kinds of financial transactions in the business. They are also the ones who are responsible for matters related to capital returns, investment shares, and investment returns because they are the ones who record and analyse all these kinds of transactions. This means that your business might be vulnerable to a kind of accountant who might not be honest or faithful. There was a case of an accountant (Cashier) who tried to defraud a bank by keeping all the money in his own pocket while collecting bill payments from customers. He was arrested later on. However, this shows that the business owners should never rely on asset managers, supervisors, or accountants. So, Do You Trust Your Accountant When It Comes To Business Finance?
I had an experience with a cashier who ran off with the bank's money. The cashier had planned the crime very well. One Friday night he stayed longer to get the money from the vault. On Monday the cashier was gone. He left for abroad together with his family. I was a supervisor in another department but the news was spread all over.
Well to some extend,l can but most of the account officer are dubious in terms of linking one account our to fraudsters because they will also get their percentage from the money collected from the customer.They do leak some vital information out to people they know to get some money from I Can not give my account officer hundred percent when it comes to finance.
Sometimes a lot of businesses take risks to employ financial managers in their businesses but I thinkit is very important to put integrity in consideration before employing anyone. There have been cases of people running away with company's money and the such situation will definitely affect the company in so many ways.
Your accountant should, above all, be trusted to give you reliable financial guidance and supervision, but that should only be done after a thorough assessment of their credibility. As another option, recruit certified public accountants (CPAs) with a solid industry level experience. Verify work and professional licenses. Set clear expectations and ensure that you are aware of other people's perspectives before making significant decisions that may put your money at risk. In the end, there are only two persons to put full responsibility for your business's financial management, you are the one and your accountant, and you should use your accountant as an advisor while also getting informed and taking the final decision.