Would Work-Experience or Certificate Increase Your Salary?


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When it comes to your career, there are a lot of factors that can impact your salary. One of the most common questions we get is "which will increase my salary the most: work experience or a certificate?"
The answer is both, but in different ways.

Work experience is great because it shows that you can do the job. A certificate is great because it shows that you have a certain level of knowledge and skill in a field.

Let's say you're applying for an entry-level position with an electrical engineering firm. If you're competing against other people with similar backgrounds, then having some kind of certification showing that you understand electrical engineering would be helpful. But if there are no other candidates with similar qualifications, then having work experience would help more, you would have something concrete to show that you could do the job.

However, the best way to determine which option is right for you is to think about what matters most in your field, and whether or not a particular certification or work experience would help strengthen your application or stand out from other applicants.
The answer to this question lies in your last paragraph, it aptly sum it up that you need to find out what your job promotion really needs so that you would be able to focus on getting it for your presentation. When it comes to some jobs paper work don't really matter what the employer want to get is what you can offer the workplace. The truth is that a lot of people just acquired certificates they can not defend and bosses have started to know this and are more about what you can do in terms of their tasks or jobs

So if a job needs one with 4-5 years working experience in a field then it is people with the years of experience that would be considered. The boss knows the need for it and how it would be of advantage to the company so it wouldn't be about the people will high or low certificates

But in the same vein another company will need people with higher qualifications, because they believe those people will be brilliant enough to handle some certain positions,it is not just about having the experience but are you smart enough for the position

So we just need to apply the right demands
A certificate can be a great way to boost your resume and get a leg up on the competition when it comes to landing a job. But if you're thinking about pursuing a certificate program, then you should also consider how much experience you already have. The truth is that there are situations where earning a certificate will give you more bang for your buck than getting more experience.

For example, if you have a lot of work experience in an industry that's hiring right now and they're willing to pay top dollar for candidates that have experience in their field, then earning a certificate may not be worth it because it would take years before your salary caught up with what someone who has no experience would make after just one or two years working at the company. On the other hand, if you're interested in switching careers but don't have any work experience in your new field yet, then taking classes or obtaining certifications could be beneficial because it will allow employers to see how well-educated you are compared to other applicants who don't already have proof that they can handle the tasks required for their positions.
There is no right or wrong answer to this question as it largely depends on the field that you are seeking work experience or a certificate in. Generally speaking, having more qualifications or experience in your field will result in a higher salary. However, there are always exceptions to this rule.

Some employers may be more interested in hiring someone who already has some related work experience under their belt, even if they don't have a certificate. Alternatively, some companies may be willing to pay more for someone with a certificate in a specific field, even if they don't have any work experience.

There are many benefits of having work experience on your resume. It can show that you are capable of holding down a job and that you have the skills required for the role. However, whether or not work experience will result in a higher salary is up for debate.

Some people believe that having a certificate instead of work experience will result in a higher salary. This is because certificates show that you have completed a specific course and have the relevant skills and knowledge for the role. However, others believe that having work experience is more important, as it shows that you have been able to apply your skills in a real world situation.
In an ideal world, the level or degree of experience or certificate should affect an individual's salary but the reality is that, those in higher-tier countries are prone to this leverage. In my Country, getting a job is a very hard nut to crack in that, the system has been polluted and corrupted due to man-know-man or godfather and money to bribe their way. This has further eaten into the fabric of the society, where those who are intellectuals are roaming the streets job hunting and settling for low paying jobs so they could pay their ever increasing bills and those who lack the knowledge are occupying top portfolios which makes the society to be at risk.

When I own an organization, the people to be employed must be inclined in the different are of specialization so I do not run a quack company. It is always such a pity that after struggling in school for many years coupled with industrial strike action which keep students beyond their normal graduation age, they end up becoming jobless and their future tends to be bleak with no goal due to the harsh economic realities that has been carved by a government that has no plans for the youth.
Most employers would increase your salary based on your level of educational qualification, especially if it's a government owned agency. This is because most people believe that a higher certificate means you know more about the job.
Some private organizations do the same too. It's just recently that experience in a field is being taken seriously, but still not sufficient enough.

I have seen people who are excellent at what they do without necessarily going for higher education just by having more first-hand experience.

I would rather go for an extra degree than one more year of experience because of this. If however, I have worked in a place for a while, and plan to start my own business or organization, I would prioritize getting more experience over certification.

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