will ethereum still hit 10,000 dollar bench mark this year? 2021


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Cryptocurrency is really getting interesting this days as we are seeing gradual changes in the movement of all the coins. Kudos to many people who didn't do panic sell and are still in the trade ever since then.
It is not easy watching your money go down in your own very eyes. Ethereum has been doing well so far so good. Some expert predicted that ethereum will torch 10k dollar this year 2021.
Since the bearish movement started we don't know if it will still make it to the predicted bench mark that has been set for it . right now, we can only but pray things changes as soon as possible.
Many people has really lost during the big fall of cryptocurrency. Everybody is praying for ethereum to come out big and strong as it will be competing with bitcoin very soon if care is not taken.
What did you think about this subject matter? Your contributions will be appreciated. Thanks.
The fall in cryptocurrency is dedicated fall in another words the big owner of cryptocurrency wants that bitcoin or etherum or litecoin price decreased then there will be many buyers and many that will spend on any purchase from expected further loses then with a tweet they change their mind for example of stopping accepting bitcoin to resume accepting bitcoin then price will increase then traders will be losers and they are final winners like example of tesla.
Ethereum has a great potential following its antecedents for the past months but whether it will reach the predicted figure is what I'm not sure of.
A single tweets in support of the coin may cause a spike in the price , and it may rise above $10,000.
Anything can happen in the crypto market because of its volatility
Moreso, it can be artificially influenced by the big players and this may also cause a spike in price
The current price of Ethereum is around $2,430. Crypto markets and investors have witnessed the worst crash right now and this is because of various reasons. One of the biggest reason is the fact that cryptocurrencies are being banned all around the world. Secondly, some negative tweets by people like Elon Musk also has an effect on the price of cryptocurrencies. I really do not think that Ethereum will jump to $10,000 as there is no way to could jump to those high levels with the current pace.
When Ethereum was above $4000, a lot of people believed that Ethereum will hit $10K by the end of 2021 or possible in 2-3 months. However, EThereum did not stay on the top for too long, it began to fall. With the current market scenereo, I do not think ethereum will reach $10K mark this year, but of coruse there will be improvement
Let us all forget given assumption on fantasy. Such kind of bizarre benchmark can't be achieved with the ongoing trend around Cryptocurrency. If you're following updates around the crypto ecosystem you'll get to know that uncertainty is wrecking the market. Before it will recover from such uncertainties it will take some time, and the year will be shortened for any turnaround.
One thing I have learnt about cryptocurrency in general is that one should not predict what happens to them. Ethereum indeed is a good coin with great potential for continuous rise , but we can't use because of that to give a prediction on what it will reach within a specified period of time. I could remember saying that bitcoin can never go as low as $30k price value ,but we can see what is happening now.
One thing am certain is that ethereum will continue to rise day by day .