Why you should blog?


Valued Contributor
Who does not like multiple sources of income? With a blog, you can use good quality content to promote your own products and services, affiliate products and courses that will help your customers at large.

For this purpose alone, having a network marketing blog should not be considered as one more option for you to exercise. You must consider it as obligatory and try to have one.

A lot of people have a blog. All leaders have a blog, and if you want to become a leader (anywhere in any field, and at any time), you will also need a blog.
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The blog actually originated as a website log which is like a diary. Later on the term website log was shortened to weblog and now we call it blog. As a diary the blog started as a written expression of oneself. When the ads came in to monetize the blog that changed the landscape and the blog became a platform for other purposes than self-expression. As you had mentioned that the blog can be a platform for marketing and there are other purposes too especially for the so called trending bloggers that are writing about entertainment, politics and even religion. Truly the blog is now side by side with the video in terms of popularity.
I also tried for the blog in the past for a while, but it was quite inconsistent. Also, at that time my typing speed was poor and I can't type much on any topic in a few minutes. Then, when I did it and didn't get views on it, it becomes more difficult for me. It seems like I am burning the candle with both the ends and still I am not getting any favorable outcomes. I started off with blogger.com with a free account because being a student I cannot spend money on the domain purchase, also where I am not sure what will happen in future.

Can you please share your experience in the process of becoming a blogger. It may help me to rebuild myself in this field.
Yes we all need a blog since it is one avenue to be heard and must importantly where we can share our opinions. Apart from the money one makes from blogging I think being able to give tips and personal suggestions one's own way is the best. I started one a while back and I found it really interesting that I was not only able to start my fact the way I deem fits but they were people that thought things the way I do but just needed a platform to say same. I like blogging whether for money or not