Which is best to compare during shopping! price or efficiency.


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During shopping activities and individual could stumble on the problem whether to focus and give more attention to the price of goods and services to be bought or possibly focus more on the efficiency and quality of the goods and services he or she is about to buy . Although these two segments of goods and services should be knowledgeable and understood by a particular buyer before actually intending to make a purchase . There are situations where goods and services could be in an increased price in a particular shopping mall but on another shopping mall, the prices of the same similar goods and services are more lower and bearable to buy but in this case the quality and efficiency is also low than the first . And also there are some situations where quality and efficiency of products , goods and services are considered to be high and yet the prices of these goods and services are also on a high price . I personally cannot choose for everyone but if it were me I will focus more on the efficiency of a product rather than the price .

But although not in all categories of shopping activities should a particular product buyer focus on the efficiency of a product rather than the price . For example in a situation like buying drugs for medication , a particular drugs purchaser should focus more on the efficiency and quality of the drugs rather than it prices if he or she intends to get well as soon and as effective as possible .
During shopping for either groceries or for any other thing you desire and once an individual has two prospects in mind which is the price of the commodity he or she intends to bought and also the efficiency and quality of the commodity as well . But whatever the case may be it is better for an individual to focus on the efficiency of a product rather and the price . And that could be made more exemplary and elaborate in situations that has to do with health care and medication . Health care and medication is a very important sector or area of an individual's life that shouldn't be taken lightly or jokingly. So when buying drugs and other drugs related items to treat an illness or a sickness we possibly meet her at the moment , it is better to focus more on the quality and efficiency of the drugs instead of the price .

But in other situations such as buying groceries and buying foodstuffs , we are willingly allowed to choose whether to focus on the efficiency or the price .