When friends and family discourage you from being an entrepreneur


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Late last year, I decided to finally go into poultry business. A business I had passion for since I was a child. The first friend I told exclaimed "ha, the business is not easy o! It is capital intensive". And you can't even meet December market again. The next friend I told said " I am sorry to say, but you can't be successful in that line, I know you, you would not be able to manage a poultry very well".
These were meant to be my friends but they were filling me with nothing but negative energy. Although I was happy that my family members had realised that I had always had passion for birds and they urged me on and encouraged me, if not, I would not have been successful in the business.
After four weeks, the chicks grew into chickens, and four weeks into maturity, the chicks matured in the right timing for Christmas. Of course it wasn't that easy, I faced alot of troubles along the way, but which business doesn't have risks? Even going to your place of work is a risk, as you could get knocked down by a vehicle, so why are people always like been negative?
That is why it is advisable to surround yourself with good friends. Although most times, your friends and families just want the best for you, they just want you to be sure you are ready for that idea. I have a friend too whose father tried to discourage from going into business, she had to stand her ground and try to make the father understand before he agreed.
That is an experience one can not run away from to happened. This thing has been inside the people's blood. Once you want to start the first thing to do is to make research on that particular business.
First,check those that has been in the business and succeed ,and also check where they have called.
When you know these thing then you don't need to fair again. The next thing to do is to look for the capital to start the business.
Never listing to the discouragement that may comes out.
We are most times the reason behind every discouragement we face. And as an entrepreneur if we need the encouragement of others to be an entrepreneur, then we are not worthy of being called an entrepreneur. Because in everything we do, there is always a discouragement attached to it. Learn to tackle issues the way they have presented their selves and draw the strength you need from within.
Yes, there are those who doesn't believe in business that it can sustain you. They get satisfied when you wake up everyday to report to a boss and get paid month end. Some would discourage you because so and so we're never successful and today they're suffering.
Most times our family and our friends influence the decision we take,sometimes it's advisable to follow your decision, if you're certain about the plans you have the only way you can silence naysayers is when you come with a proficient results. so it should not always be about working but it should also be about results.thats why friends and siblings support carriers when they see results showing forth.
Late last year, I decided to finally go into poultry business. A business I had passion for since I was a child. The first friend I told exclaimed "ha, the business is not easy o! It is capital intensive". And you can't even meet December market again. The next friend I told said " I am sorry to say, but you can't be successful in that line, I know you, you would not be able to manage a poultry very well".
These were meant to be my friends but they were filling me with nothing but negative energy. Although I was happy that my family members had realised that I had always had passion for birds and they urged me on and encouraged me, if not, I would not have been successful in the business.
After four weeks, the chicks grew into chickens, and four weeks into maturity, the chicks matured in the right timing for Christmas. Of course it wasn't that easy, I faced alot of troubles along the way, but which business doesn't have risks? Even going to your place of work is a risk, as you could get knocked down by a vehicle, so why are people always like been negative?
The most important thing is to follow your dream and vision and avoid dream killers. I remember telling my mum that I wish to start business and she exclaimed "Hmmmm, so after spending money training you in school, you don't want to look for white collar job, it business you want to start". People despise the life of an entrepreneur at it's early stage simply because they despise the days of small beginning.
Your parents or family members are not the one to live your life for you neither are they the ones to make decisions for you to make if your parents discourage you from becoming an entrepreneur and give no positive reason about that then I think you should ignore them and go on with what you are heart desires and what you're able to do to earn a living
In this world there many negative people, anyone who choose to follow direction of other people will easily lost his way, when it comes to business every man has to take his own decision on what he wants to do. if you have good idea in a business and you believe in that business I see no reason why you should not invest in the business. Negative advice makes people lose what they are supposed to achieve
i like this topic because I somehow experienced this when I was planning my first business. It was a boutique that I will build in front of our ancestral home. My siblings protested because I do not own the place. Besides, they said that I have no knowledge of selling much more a boutique. It is painful when your family would be against your business idea.
When friends and families gives you professional reasons not to start a business then you ought to give it a thought or two but when the reasons are mediocre or perhaps sentimental then it's advisable to go with your plan without looking back. Business is all about risk, it either you take it and become rich or the otherwise.
Well, firstly don't see them as being negative, as I was reading your post I realised something, life isn't simple as people expect, life is complex, if making it was easy everyone would be driving limos by now, flying on their private Jets, but life is hard.

So here is what happened, you decided to do something that is fairly out of the norm and your friends were like no no it won't work, yes they were negative but I think life was just trying to test if you are able to make it, making it isn't easy so the natural laws in place will have to test you, reshape you to take on negativity and if you can't take it and fall then you don't get to cross the river and make it, but if you do, you'll cross and make it and keep crossing other river.

Note: it never stops, just don't listen
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My family members can't possibly discourage me from becoming an entrepreneur because they will really understand that is what I want to do , and I don't even see the needs why they have to discourage me because even if they do , as long as it's something I am passionate , I will likely still go ahead to start up whatever I need as long as is not something that can affect them emotionally.. Afterall it is just a business but they might consider it risky but for me I am capable and willing to take the risk if it is something I am interested.

Personally I don't even see a good reason why someone should discourage others from engaging in a particular business , but sometimes you can give a suggestion concerning the business but don't bluntly discourage people from engaging in the type of business they are interested , because you don't really know people's talented or interest in the business they are interested to established ,

When people are interested to engage in business and they asked for help , I have to list out the potential risks involving in this business for them to really understand and also the advantage , then they have to decide if they are interested or not .
Well, maybe they realised you're just blinded by passion and you didn't know if there's a demand for poultry birds or as Davis said, they are just jealous because you did something that defies the norm.

Either way, you shouldn't base your decisions in business or even in life on what people say, they are not you and you're not them, you exist independently, you're just bind by friendship which is also mutual.

Your decision should be yours and if you make it, don't let other outside forces change it for you unless if what they say is insightful and you resonate with it.

Most people are full of fear and when they see other people doing what they can't do, they get jealous and try to bring such person down to their level so that they'll both be losers.

Well, I think since they advised you against starting a poultry farm, you might want to reassess your business and see if it fulfills a need or solve problems.

Do you have an edge in the market, how do you plan on getting buyers, what are the things that differentiate you with other poultry farms, fast delivery? Fresher eggs? Quality chicks?

These question will give you a clear understanding if your business is needed or not.
In my experience, negativity and discouragement often comes from a place of love/protectiveness, or from a person's own pessimistic outlook. Most people are afraid of the possibility of failure and want to protect their loved ones from it. Which is, of course, often not useful.
Over time, it becomes clearer who are the people you should listen to and who are the ones you shouldn't. I generally appreciate constructive criticism and words that caution me for specific obstacles, and ignore people who just come from a place of fear or pessimism.
I think those feedbacks from your friends are only natural. It does not spell them as 'bad' or 'not wanting you to succeed'. These could be people who are pessimistic and have no faith in themselves. Your family members were optimistic and enabled you draw strength from within.
It is true that all businesses come with their own form of challenge, the beauty lies in being able to devise strategies to overcome them.
My mom ventured into the poultry business, and yes, it was capital intensive, she also had to deal with competition and the heartbreak caused by the mortality prone chicks. But she had her ways of dealing with these challenges and the business was indeed lucrative. She endeavored to make her eggs and chicken reach the market earlier, she even had to incorporate sale of dung to local farmers, offered delivery services, and sold frozen chicken too to clients who did not like to buy live ones.
You know what?
You should be your own cheer leader, you should be determined, have faith in your self and business, that is the boost needed to jolt you into making sure your business succeeds.
Taking to heart discouragements from people is wrong, it is better to shake it off and encourage your self.
Normally in life you will meet people that will want to discourage you from reaching your goal. The important thing is to know your abilities and do what you know how to do best, look for how you can be better at what you're going for and then go for it.Once you understand what the business you are venturing into is all about and you know the pros and cons that surrounds and is involved in your business, then you will not be persuaded by mere words from people. You can encourage yourself and move on with your goal and you will notice that when you become successful those same people that persuaded you from doing so will still come to congratulate you. So the most important thing is understanding your business and everything that is involved in your business and then look for ways to be better at it. With that you will be successful with the right choices and decisions in your business.
There is no business that does not involve risks, especially being an entrepreneur,risks will surely come in a business but the important thing is how you handle them. When those challenges are handled in the best way, success is guaranteed.