Business Ideas What to do when my business idea is not supported?

I like the third option in your post which says that someone needs to work hard to make sure that the business succeed even want believe in it. I think this quality is what separates a successful business owner from those who fail. Some people don't have true believe in their business idea so it abandon is when they experience rejection.
Are you waiting for people to support your business ideas before you explore them....?If you have the idea to set up a business I don't think you need anyone's approval to establish your business. Just get your cash and a place where your business can flourish then you are ready to establish.
The first thing I tried to consider is that I might be wrong in my idea initially. If I go back and feel that the idea is one that might actually work out then I will try again to convince them. If not I will look for other partners also.
As a man one need to know that its not every body that will belive in your dream and your ambition .
This is what I will like to tell you.
First make sure that you zero your mind from some one to help so that if the help comes fine and if not all well and good.
Start from the little way latter it I'll become big.
When thinking of venturing into something serious it is the best for us to forget about getting support in any way, because it is not the best and you may be disappointed when you are not able to get one.. it is always the best for us to do it as we can then the support may come naturally .believing in support to do anything we want might make us to be more disappointed because of what we were hoping on.. even if I have to start up a business I do not rely on anyone but I will try to start up the business on my own.
If you ask for my opinion on this, I think if you happen to find yourself in a situation whereby you came up with a particular business idea and unfortunately it is not being supported probably by your sponsor, I think the better way is to either find a way to brush it up or even change the entire idea. If any of these does not suit your condition then the only alternative is to find another way to raise capital on your own, even if it goes to extent of getting a loan, I would say you should go for it as long as you are very certain that you will definitely profit from it.
I think if you see that it's not supported ,then you first need to lower the expectation and profit range ,your could start little by little and start up the build up process of your business till it grows rapidly and you start making more gains from the business I think
If you really believe in your business idea you need to keep pushing even if a lot of people are rejecting your idea. You don't have to give up just because few people reject the idea. You just have to keep pushing over time you are going to meet people who are going to support your idea and you will be able to establish your dream business.
I totally do agree with your point. I think in a situation such as this you've mentioned, you need to learn to be your our support and while waiting for someone to support you in you business idea, it think it will be best for you to start working to earn enough capital to start it up all by yourself
The only thing you need to do is to prove those who reject your business idea wrong. You must be highly determine and do all what it takes to make sure that the business idea comes to reality. Not only that you must be very determined to ensure that the business becomes well-known brand so that does do reject your business idea we'll see.
I agree with all that has been said, I have been working on my business idea for about 6 months, I pulled it down because of the lack of support, but then two days ago, an old work colleague said he want to help grow my business. I had'nt given up, bacuase I told him about my business idea that I was having trouble with not getting support, and he said he wants in, so we are meeting up next weekend to discuss plans for moving forward. I can not wait now.
My point is I never gave up and I never have, that is the key to success in my book...


New member
A lot of us have I'm going through one face of disappointment or the other with regards of getting funding for our business ideas. There have been times when those who believed in US couldn't help us and those who didn't believe in US could actually help us. Some of us came up with really good business ideas but have to put it to sleep due to lack of support and encouragement from famiky, friends and potential investors.
What do you do when you're not being supported?
1. It is very important for you to be in mind that just because you aren't getting any support Now doesn't mean you wouldn't get any in the future. Many business ideas that we are laughed at have not resulted in one of the great businesses in the world.
2. If you can't get any support when you have no option than to be your own supportive team. Not everyone is meant to cheer you up as long as you're sharing yourself up you'll be fine.
3. I work very hard to see that your business idea comes into reality as long as you believe in it you can do it.
This is not actually a very good article. there are people that have gotten a lot of business ideas but because of the limited about of resources in their disposal they could not materialize that idea. It is always very important to work hard in order to raise capital for your business yourself.
Giving up should not be in the vocabulary of someone who is trying to sell his or her business idea to other people to invest in. The world is full of examples of people who refused to give up despite the high amount of rejection they receive when they are selling their business idea to people. An example is Colonel Sanders of Kentucky fried Chicken.
The fact is that we are the ones that will always convince people about our ideas, we don't always need to believe people will like us for who we are or the idea we believe in. If we are very sure of the idea, we don't need to back up when when people don't believe us.
You are bound to face a lot of rejection when you are trying to sell your business idea to people and convince them to invest in them. There is nothing you can do than to press forward when people are rejecting your business idea. If the rejection is staggering, it'll be very good to look at the business idea to see if there is anything faulty in it.
keep pushing forward because been supported in a business isn't easy because most people can't see what you are seeing. like the creator of Alibaba (JACK MA) who never gave up on his big dreams, until people see his vision possible and start giving him support.
Do you believe in yourself and your business idea? I mean if you have done your research like the feasibility of your business, do you have funding or where can you get funding, Is there a demand for your product, etc. if you can answer those questions it really doesn't matter what people think of you or your business. What matters is your belief and your ideas. If you are confident that your research is solid and backed up by numbers, then go for it. Do you know how many successful people were doubted in the beginning? they just believed in themselves and they went for it, it paid off. That should also be your attitude. You've got the will, you've got the numbers to back up your belief, then take the jump.
work hard, hard . and then make money from it , or make money alone to then use it to take action for that business you wnat . some people need prrof to see your business . work for it, dont give up