Want to make an extra cash while using your mobile ?


New member
Do you want to earn money while using your mobile phone ?
Don't worry, i'll help you to start earning some CASH without going out to work or investment.
Just follow these steps and you can generate $1000 a mounth.
1- Download this application which is called " Feature points " from here >>> FeaturePoints and install it.
2- Open it and signup using a gmail account "it is best to use a gmail that you opened paypal with to receive your reward directly to it"
3- login to your account and complete your personal details (verify your email ...etc)
4- After that, start earning points by (complete surveys, play games and watch videos..) to withdraw your money $5=3000 points.
5- share your referral link with your friends and earn 50% commision.
There are many ways to ways to make extra cash by using your phone. I can say this is one of them and there are a lot of them which I think maybe better this one. Cryptocurrencies trading and investment and affiliate marketing are the high paying online earnings I can think of.
There are indeed several ways of making money online, teaching online classes is a very brilliant way to start, and one can earn good money by also getting into online writing for companies, one can also do the popular crypto currency trading which happens to be trending and changing the lives of millions all over the world.