The most common blunders in investing.


New member
I've been putting off starting for far too long.
Paying unfair fees.
Emotion-driven buying (and selling).
Trading is performed regularly.
Purchasing while someone else is doing so.
Believing that in order to survive, you must outperform the market.
I have seen the young ones in our company when I was still working. They were like in a frenzy to buy stocks of one company that was having a hype. It was a telecommunications company that later on would experience bankruptcy. Fortunately for me, I did not join them and I just kept my money in the bank.
I have seen the young ones in our company when I was still working. They were like in a frenzy to buy stocks of one company that was having a hype. It was a telecommunications company that later on would experience bankruptcy. Fortunately for me, I did not join them and I just kept my money in the bank.
That was very wise of you and I am sure those people in your company that invested in those stocks really regretted it. A lot of people purchase stocks on impulse without carefully analysing the market and are usually burnt of when the market comes crashing. In order to invest in an investment, careful analysis has to be made by looking at the history of the so-called investment, it's ability to perform well in the market, it board of directors or any strong personality and lots more.