The impact of peer pressure on student saving habits


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Students often find themselves surrounded by people who have diverse attitudes towards money and saving patterns. Peer pressure can be a powerful force that can impact their financial decisions and eventually affect their ability to save money. Peer pressure has a significant impact on their financial well-being, so it is important to consider how it impacts students' saving habits.

The influence of social norms is one of the main ways that peer pressure impacts students' saving habits. It can be challenging for them to resist the impulse to act similarly when they observe their peers spending money nonchalantly and living beyond their means. They may feel that they are missing out on social experiences if they don't participate in expensive outings or splurge on unnecessary purchases. This type of pressure can cause them to abandon their financial goals and make impulsive decisions that ultimately harm their ability to save money.

In addition to social norms, peer pressure can also be exerted through direct pressure from friends. For instance, a friend may persuade them to eat at a costly restaurant or to purchase an expensive item that we don't require. In this circumstance, it might be tough to say no, especially if they don't want to disappoint their friend or feel left out of a group activity.

Comparison is another way that peer pressure can influence students' saving behaviors. It may be easy to feel like they are not doing well financially when they see their peers driving nice cars or residing in luxurious apartments. This can result in feelings of inferiority and a desire to match their peers' spending habits, even if it means sacrificing their ability to save money.

So, what can students do to combat the impact of peer pressure on their saving habits? One solution is to surround themselves with like-minded individuals who share their financial goals and values. This can help students stay motivated and focused on their financial objectives, rather than being swayed by the spending habits of their peers.


Active member
Peer pressure have a lot to do with students saving because a student might think of saving and probably he always associate with bad friends who does not know the value of saving. That students will not be able to save because of the pressure by his peer and he will feel discourage.

Social Media is one of the main ways that peer pressure impacts students' saving habits. It will be difficult for them to resist the impulse to act similarly when they observe their peers spending money and living beyond their means. They may feel that they are missing out on social experiences if they don't participate in expensive outings, dresses and accessories.