The Best Advice To A Student: Tips For College Life & Money


College is a lot of work, and you're going to want to do well. But there are also a lot of things that you can do to make sure you're doing the right things and having fun!

Here are some of our favorite tips for college life, money, and more:

1) Keep reading! Reading is one of the best ways to learn about everything from your professors' teaching styles to how to get ahead in your classes. You'll also find out about new trends in the world of academia that can help guide your future career path.

2) Get involved! Whether it's joining campus organizations or volunteering at local charities, getting involved will help keep you busy and engaged with other people who share similar interests.

3) Take advantage of free resources offered by colleges and universities! Many schools offer free tutoring services for students with learning disabilities or English as a second language needs; others have websites where students can apply for scholarships; and still others have resources like career counseling sessions available on campus during certain hours each week during which faculty members meet with prospective students..

4) Don't wait until the last minute to find an apartment or housemate. It's better to get settled in early than late, because you'll have more time to make friends and adjust to your new routine before classes start up again next semester.

5) Make sure your dorm room is well-stocked with food and drinks. you never know when you might need them! And if there isn't enough space in your fridge or pantry (or even worse, they're empty), then consider getting one at school instead of spending money on food outside of campus hours. it'll save you tons of money over time!

6) Be careful about what social media apps you use while attending college; some may be free but still offer ads that could affect how much money is coming into each student's account (for example: Facebook). If possible, try using different apps instead so that no one has access to any personal information shared between users; this way no one will know what other people post online without them knowing first hand as well!