The 10 Best and Worst Things Said About the Cost of College


The Best:
1. "Invest in your earning potential." College grads make $1 million more over a lifetime.
2. "tap all financial aid sources - it's worth the effort." Billions in scholarships and grants go unused.
3. "Community college credits cut costs." Earn gen ed credits for 75% less tuition.

The Worst:
1. "Student loans are always the answer." Debt now averages $30,000 per bachelor's degree.
2. "It's okay to default on loans - others will pay them." Taxpayers lose over $20 billion a year on defaults.
3. "Endowments should make college free." No U.S. university endowment could offer full rides to all students indefinitely.

The Best:
4. "Apply to more affordable in-state options." In-state tuition saves families approximately $27,000 over four years.
5. "Two years of free community college helps." President Biden's legislation would expand access and cut costs.
6. "Tax-advantaged 529 plans ease the burden." Prepaid tuition and tax-deferred savings vehicle.

The Worst:
4. "Follow your passion, the money will come." College costs require smart ROI analysis of majors.
5. "Student debt will be forgiven eventually." Rare and complex to actually qualify and secure loan discharge.
6. "Skipping college is the only way to avoid debt." Limits earnings potential long-term.

With creativity and responsibility, earning a college degree need not mean a lifetime of crushing debt.