Symptom of sickle cell patient


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Sickle cell anaemia is a disease that affect blood cells to form rickle shapes. This can be detected by blood is believe that when blood cells have moon shape, as a result of xx blood genotype that forms when man and woman blood genotype have xx in common, in their blood group. The symptoms of sickle cell anaemia are body pains,high blood pressure,red eyes, shortage of blood. This can be started From days that baby has been given birth to ages of around 45years. There are many ways of taking care of this sickle cell anaemia patient. We have home remedy,to control the anaemia in the blood,which will increase or improve gradually. They must carry the patient to the expert doctor in care of children. You can always boost the immune system to improve the blood cells. We make sure that we are given fruits and vegetables. We can prepare moringa leaves concussion together with bitter leaf to boost the blood cell anaemia.let them carry the patient to the hospital and diagnosing to know exactly the treatment they are going to be given to him on time
Sickle cell patients can experience painful episodes known as vaso-occlusive stress, where their blood cells get stuck in their lungs. In a sickle cell disease patient, the red blood cells look like sickles due to a genetic mutation.

The way blood cells move through capillaries is similar to how fish swim up waterfalls. When blood cells are shaped like sickles, they can get stuck in the capillaries and clog up the circulation of blood to vital organs and tissues, causing pain and damage.

Sickle cell patients often have to undergo frequent medical treatments to help them reduce the number of painful episodes they experience.