Business Ideas Starting a human billboard business


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A lot of money is paid to advertising houses to get a company billboard up and running on the roads. You can make good money too if you decide to go into the business of human billboard

Human billboard is about parading yourself around in public places with some advertising piece on your body.

if you don't want to go full time with this business, you can make it a side hustle. To do this you can allow brand logo to be tattooed on your shaven head for years and get paid yearly ,You can hold a placard or wearing a sandwich board with company ads on them or even Rent out your beard

Though this looks a rare business but it is still been carried out by those that love the attention this business brings You might just have to get in touch with companies. to get them advertise with you
What do you think?
Starting a human billboard business is a great way to earn extra money. Human billboards are people who stand in public places, such as on the sides of buildings, advertising products and services.

Human billboards can be used to advertise almost anything. For example, you might want to advertise your business or products by having a person dress up as an employee or worker and wear an advertisement for your company on their clothing or body.
If you want to start a human billboard business, there are several things you need to consider first. First and foremost is finding the right location for your human billboards. If possible, try to get permission from the owner of the building where you plan on placing a human billboard before doing so (many businesses will not allow this). The landlord may not want competition from another company so they will probably be happy if you ask them first before proceeding with your plans.

If you cannot find a suitable location, then try asking local businesses if they would like advertising space on their property. This is common practice in many cities throughout the world where there are many businesses competing for customers and traffic flow amongst them all on any given day.